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Our services Include methodological consulting and ICT infrastructure administration.

We optimize processes, automate tasks, improve information security, and enhance all key aspects to help companies become more efficient. We provide comprehensive solutions that foster the success and growth of our clients.

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About us

Our expertise In information systems management

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Our company specializes in providing consulting and technological services, and we are recognized as being leaders in our industry.

  • We are dedicated to assisting you in reaching your objectives with tailored high-performance solutions
  • We have a team of highly trained experts with extensive experience across various business sectors
  • Successful digital transformation stories.


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What do we do?


Methodological Consulting

At GTC, our methodological consulting services that optimize processes for the efficient achievement of business objectives


IT Business Operation

Comprehensive management of information systems ensures the correct functioning of technological infrastructure in accordance with business objectives



Our company offers customized automation solutions and utilizes low-code technology to improve business efficiency.


Audits or Assessments

We ensure regulatory compliance and enhance management systems through auditing and assessments. Our focus is on maintaining systems security and compliance.


Customized Training

In partnership with CERTIPROF and CMMI Institute, we offer customized training programs designed to elevate individual competencies to tackle current and future technological challenges.


Personnel staffing

To ensure that they have the appropriate staff to carry out organizational projects, our personnel and work cell staffing service connect with suitable professionals to perform in ICT areas and project positions.


Leader School

Our leadership school is designed to develop and enhance professional leadership skills, using a variety of tools and techniques tailored to individual needs.

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Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

We provide consulting support for the implementation of various international models or standards, including ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 22301, ISO 20000, ISO 27001, ISO 29110, CMMI DEV/SVC, SG-SST, ITIL, TOGAF, IT4+, AGILE, SCRUM. In order to provide support, we always begin with an initial diagnosis or Gap Analysis. Our goal is to create a work plan that will help you close gaps in your company, collaborate with your team, and allocate responsibilities to achieve your company’s goal. To save internal costs our team of experts, along with our product CELERPRO, will assist you in achieving implementation results quickly and efficiently.

We perform internal audits based on the ISO 19001 standard for the following models or standards: ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO22301, ISO20000, ISO27001, ISO29110, CMMI DEV/SVC. We also support you during the certification audit.

Our main focus is to deliver comprehensive and efficient management services for the technological components of a company. We specialize in the following areas: • Administration of cloud and on-premise servers • Monitoring and maintenance of IT assets • Storage management • Backup and recovery solutions • Network administration and inventory management Our team of experts is responsible for ensuring the smooth functioning of all the company's technological assets.

If you want to make your company more innovative, we suggest following these steps: 1. Assess your digital maturity: Determine where your company stands by conducting a digital maturity diagnosis. 2. Train your team in digital skills: Empower your team with essential skills in digital marketing and business management skills. 3. Develop a transformation plan: Based on the results of the digital maturity diagnosis, create an action plan to transform your company. 4. Automate processes: Assign trained personnel to automate repetitive tasks that can hinder growth and make your business more operational and reducing manual workload.In Addition Key components include: • Integration of emerging technologies • Implementation of agile methodologies • Data-driven decision-making processes • Cybersecurity measures • Scalable and adaptable IT infrastructure


We have collaborated with numerous clients in various sectors such as technology, food, and services, enriching our experience in different industries. Here we present a representative sample of our clients.